What's on your Brain.

Objectivity affects what force, before Subjectivity is manifest?

Category: Uncategorized

  • Been through the Blues, the Maintenance, the Shrinks.

    …’ been through what they script how largely, it stinks. (Sunset) (Sunrise). REMBR, or Dont forget, these are well wishes: go forth with vigor; forever, embrace it.* To: Tom From: Santa RE: six-string bant’a Christmas Prose for these and those: Pie in my kerchief! Tom, of Fine ilk: I settle down: not unlike warmed milk.…

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  • Rather I Fingers Blistered

    Please porridge pie be sweet, Sir Pair O’winkle do, Won’t ye be a good fine gent, a good fine miss’s too So Pair O’Winkle diddly do who way the page far down as far can be Sir Pair with she skipping to hop o’er clowns with a spin of the wheel a slide of the…

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  • Synecdoche is a Word

    A robin, a bird a challenge, a war alliteration, atypical conversation allusion, confusion Anna, the girl next door a meaning, a dictionary so much more a brother, annoying one a sibling, a sister abstinence unrestrained, rhyme-scheme all I had, I had to do all of it, if but for this all went still, over again…

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  • She Knits

    J______, she reckons value in words; endearment so denote this muse; he’s only real in or of dynamic measure inspiration, embodiment treasure rhymes: it is will glows beautiful by wonderment she knits it for her girl would, should, could: kiss cursed grace fingers cross his feet coarse to touch matter of course humans fumble about…

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  • Same old Interrogation

    How much can it take How far till it breaks How much can it hold How many hours and days before the novelty grows old Till exodus quakes

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  • For Sunday Drives

    Listen closely: blissful silence bitter sweetened sanity vital to respond irresponsible for charming unbecoming from the knee Come now: accompanying the child Id implores begone embrace; carry away far gone foreign misery beget a novel pain Settle here: for reckoning altogether clear, behold: proximity trades in lachrymose tickle upon strawberry nose Hold tight: hold still…

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  • Not his best work, but

    “It’s Saturday”, by Marcy Playground… the verses are lacking , but LOVE that chorus: “cause i got some kind of disease and there are no remedies think i should stay in bed today maybe tomorrow go out and play” … “should’ve listened when you said beware of Horny Girls with New Jersey Hair” (hair, an…

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  • Rehabilitated

    “ Rehabilitated? It’s just a stupid, made-up word, so boys like you can sit behind a desk, wear a fancy suit, and feel important. You’re a jerk! And I had sex with your mother last night. And I swear to God, you let me outta here, first thing I’m gonna do is kill again! ”…

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Published in 2006, What’s On Your Brain is the personal blog of @ajaxStardust

It’s composed mostly prosaic ramblings.

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