The Importance of Being Healthy
It should be self-explanatory. Like anything else, it bears explaining for some reason. Oh I always used to be healthy. You probably were too. I’d say the primary thing you need to avoid in effort to better prolong your health is alcohol. That’s got to be the worst thing you can do for your body…
Superflous Space and Character
Instructor of Guitar and Music Theory: Shit be whack, yo. I’m still down for educating You if you wish. Alley Cat Music died a PSU-strong-armed death, too many years ago. It’s unfortunate– amongst the arts of popular culture– the live music-scene may lie in greatest jeopardy of extinction. Properly used, the Uniform Resource Locater is…
vacation lines fantasy objects
40 += 10; An analogy would be that of me holding goddamnit my A D Ddropped his stickshole in his shorts was most likely it’s the peripheral noise presently believe it or not a goddamn Pokemon foreachOperateRepairLocateIdentify On === going Analysis.Charlie arosealone of thorns having no reluctancedropping a line “I didn’t hook-it-up to the phone…
Not Plausible
Hers was a diatribe of apocrypha. I stood by only in soliloquy; some evocation, nonsensical, to avoid that ire.
Excerpt from a letter, to Julie Bortner
I can not be an /artist/, and not produce artistic things, or speak in a manner which might [not] incite emotion. If this is not what one wants from me, then it is not I, but she. I choose to “Be”. If that existence ends tomorrow, then, at least I have not compromised what once…
She Don’t Use Oxy
“c’mon all you pot-heads! Bend your knees!” ~ Perry Farrell (from the film, “Soul Kiss”) ASIDE: Oranges are fine, for real. 20 Mg of Vitamin, per peel. I prefer the warm climate Rx of the Orange, So dirty can be snow. Oranges: peculiar? Upper-East: Oddly. I’ve tons of those beasts! “I know a girl who,…
One likes to crush the dream; One might set it to flame; One is too young to know: What does it mean to kick the stool from below?
The Bridge Blown to Bits
Where is that confounded bridge? I in my kerchief; J George in Hawaii A needle might prick; a dog follows me One cessation: ceased; not even a mouse Time to settle; like so much poor rap Down Down Down No better mouse-trap Where nothing in front of me It doesn’t bleed It doesn’t need breathing…
Published in 2006, What’s On Your Brain is the personal blog of @ajaxStardust
It’s composed mostly prosaic ramblings.