Conscious Effort: save this file; the text herein. this represents a “sleep attack“, (huh? whoa! fell down, deeply again… okay: save before Losing all narrative potential!) [aside:] such nodding-out today! not completely “nodded-out”, as per usual, however, the blanket of dooming confusion, the veritable fun-house of horrible images, nonsensical reminiscing, it seems, over things which…
Can We Save
Can we save this, and go back to the original version? Ahh, so much version– and yet– no real product. Such conglomerate of praxis– perhaps a fledgling key– kid-start, the one you [me] earned “This is yourself”, you should know, oh that key– that is what I’ve been searching for, rather diligently– behind / through…
vacation lines fantasy objects
40 += 10; An analogy would be that of me holding goddamnit my A D Ddropped his stickshole in his shorts was most likely it’s the peripheral noise presently believe it or not a goddamn Pokemon foreachOperateRepairLocateIdentify On === going Analysis.Charlie arosealone of thorns having no reluctancedropping a line “I didn’t hook-it-up to the phone…
Alien Abduction – What you need to know
In the event that you find you have been abducted by aliens, or if you expect to be abducted by aliens, please reference the article about FIDE President (aka Russian, World Chess President) Kirsan Ilyumzhinov (Кирсан Илюмжинов).
Narco Blog
Narcoleptic. Pathetic fuck. Ever present: never. Not worth value. No new news, used to reach the waking hook; this boggled think-thing thoughts, the same. Lines. Far too distant; far to hook. Narco-boggled buried brain, a stranger, in straight in-line Bargain-narc Blasphemer original composition: 2009 04 09modified 2011-04-15
Ingested vs Symptomatic Lethargy
Revisit the Substitute falsehood as femme freedom imposed li’l miss Leading laid lying in agony distanced belief in golden hex true ruler of requisite rejoining Sister Lethargy kin companion most remarkable in absentia creeping death here maybe referenced or by King Celluloid counts in translation for 1,985 feline eyes. Sister cloaked waning stranger no shadow…
Rainy Day Wishing: Peanut One For None
“I’m a flea-bit peanut monkey All my friends are junkies That’s not really true” and Thorizine, Haloperidol, Seroquil (SP? each) and… some other shit… oh, yeah… Xanax, and Ativan, and it all ain’t nuthin, man nothing puts me to sleep anymore on the rainy day as would be today
For we night-owls
the fuckin sunrise, fuckin sunrise, fuck fuck fuckin sunrise bullshit… now how am i ever going to survive!?!??!?!?!?!!?
Published in 2006, What’s On Your Brain is the personal blog of @ajaxStardust
It’s composed mostly prosaic ramblings.