Superflous Space and Character
Instructor of Guitar and Music Theory: Shit be whack, yo. I’m still down for educating You if you wish. Alley Cat Music died a PSU-strong-armed death, too many years ago. It’s unfortunate– amongst the arts of popular culture– the live music-scene may lie in greatest jeopardy of extinction. Properly used, the Uniform Resource Locater is…
Pain 2024
If my day wasn’t already flipped-out enough already:Enough. FlippantOut beyond the Buoyed Boys. Oh. What was that?In the feed which caught my eye?And therefore ruined whatever I had. The now reverberating notion of twenty-first-centuries lost!What’s your synecdoche, Pain?Hmph. Oh, Pain.It’s only you.I really try not to complain.Far worse things than ADD. Pain!We all suffer.or would…
Conscious Effort: save this file; the text herein. this represents a “sleep attack“, (huh? whoa! fell down, deeply again… okay: save before Losing all narrative potential!) [aside:] such nodding-out today! not completely “nodded-out”, as per usual, however, the blanket of dooming confusion, the veritable fun-house of horrible images, nonsensical reminiscing, it seems, over things which…
Can We Save
Can we save this, and go back to the original version? Ahh, so much version– and yet– no real product. Such conglomerate of praxis– perhaps a fledgling key– kid-start, the one you [me] earned “This is yourself”, you should know, oh that key– that is what I’ve been searching for, rather diligently– behind / through…
vacation lines fantasy objects
40 += 10; An analogy would be that of me holding goddamnit my A D Ddropped his stickshole in his shorts was most likely it’s the peripheral noise presently believe it or not a goddamn Pokemon foreachOperateRepairLocateIdentify On === going Analysis.Charlie arosealone of thorns having no reluctancedropping a line “I didn’t hook-it-up to the phone…
“It’s about your personal commitment. not so much the equipment.” ~ J Sabarese
Not Plausible
Hers was a diatribe of apocrypha. I stood by only in soliloquy; some evocation, nonsensical, to avoid that ire.
there’s no love in beating a horse; no sense in beating a dead horse it is impossible to resurrect the dead. how dim it once was, now brightened in the head.
Published in 2006, What’s On Your Brain is the personal blog of @ajaxStardust
It’s composed mostly prosaic ramblings.