Ingesting a particular mixture of methyphenidate (Ritalin), and lorazepan (Ativan) could cause the undesirable side-effect of vivid, visual hallucinations. Such a subject might be initially, at least, misdiagnosed as Schizophrenic.
Curiosity Awaits Another Smile
Come along! Don’t forget your stockings to wreck ’em; something soon Tell me if a love exists Between the light of Moon, and the gentle of the Seas. And, in the cracks between, where no one ever sees, nothing but we have in tow, Holding hands is how we go. What former pain and misery…
Butler-the-Pimp and Pretty Maidens All Must Be ’ho’es
I’ve said it before. Facebook is like Twitter for kids. Case in pointe: “Look, ma!”, Ellian said, “I type this on my iPod, and now daddy can read it on my public profile also!” The child’s maniacal laughter ensued, leaving the household ill at ease like so many times before. His unnerving laughter, as if…
Neither Face Nor Fact. The Book is the Rook. God has Babies.
Verbose / Concise: them’s synonyms, right yo? I should’a chillax over that, like a minute ago already. I assume responsibility for whatever is not applicable to the dichotomy (as referenced, herein, i trust). We hold these fallacies to be self-deprecating. To Ω, i say: “A-O… Oh-eh!”. I don’t know Tony Danza, but I do know…
As a Whistle
what comes this clean it comes undone presented with a gentle one remember how gentle is as gentle does so multiply by more: come twenty; many letters fingerprints might spell inspired upon the work the interrogative only tale not tall to rise above moreover, keeping score to better buy this sale sixty moon grains liquid…
1978 Les Paul Custom, Formerly Mine
As this fable goes how showcased it so wrongly turns profit Les Paul: proactive ship to guitar-show Truth of one’s own send no report but for success more clandestine transport turn collateral damage one petty loan Handshake foul liar, rancid breath of no gentleman’s home last child of innocence topple trite table’s will from dirty…
To the Point of This
i think that i shall never be as potent as the bumble bee for if i were, i’d fall asleep and sting my face and start to weep were i to weep for such a thing i’d rip right off that stinger thing contrary wise, i’ll go, content. to sting something, deliberate: all this but…
Something ’bout MusicBrainz and Ian Hunter
Regarding something contributed to the Music Meta-data library known as MusicBrainz
Published in 2006, What’s On Your Brain is the personal blog of @ajaxStardust
It’s composed mostly prosaic ramblings.