Darling Kelly
I knew a girl named Kelly I guess you could say her bluegrass was keen. I met her when a snowball volley Lasted later than the lawn was green. She said, “How’d you like to play guitar?” But I had dropped my pick, When I saw Kelly strum and rhyme! © 2013, J Sabarese (a…
A Good Guide to Guitar Chords in Major Keys
check it out. try to ignore the blackbelt metaphor and focus on the music theory.
Guitar MX 2004: Mr. Fastfinger
What happens when a skilled (Macromedia) Flash animation artist (a Flash-toonist?) applies his talent and creativity to the ‘shred’-guitar student’s 16th note triplet exercises? You get the Guitar Shred Show, starring Mr. Fastfinger! (You better have a faster-than-dial-up connection, otherwise you’ll experience some serious load-time.) Certainly worth the visit, Mr. Fastfinger does for guitar-students and…
Published in 2006, What’s On Your Brain is the personal blog of @ajaxStardust
It’s composed mostly prosaic ramblings.