Alien Abduction – What you need to know
In the event that you find you have been abducted by aliens, or if you expect to be abducted by aliens, please reference the article about FIDE President (aka Russian, World Chess President) Kirsan Ilyumzhinov (Кирсан Илюмжинов).
World Trade Center Part Two
My opinion on [URL=http://my.opera.com/jsabarese/blog/show.dml/373989]the forthcoming American Hollywood film, World Trade Center[/URL], has finally been further developed. I just noticed a moment ago only the second advertisement for the film since the first i saw, when i wrote [URL=http://my.opera.com/jsabarese/blog/show.dml/373989]my first entry on the subject[/URL] — almost exactly one week ago today. It’s that very time-lapse which…
“World Trade Center” – the Hollywood Movie
As much as the media exploits the human condition on a daily, if not per-second basis (or perhaps to more accurately pinpoint at least one specific vein of the Media, the advertising agencies of popular culture), i couldn’t help but feel particularly insulted when i first saw a TV commercial for the upcoming film release…

Published in 2006, What’s On Your Brain is the personal blog of @ajaxStardust
It’s composed mostly prosaic ramblings.