The Bridge Blown to Bits
Where is that confounded bridge? I in my kerchief; J George in Hawaii A needle might prick; a dog follows me One cessation: ceased; not even a mouse Time to settle; like so much poor rap Down Down Down No better mouse-trap Where nothing in front of me It doesn’t bleed It doesn’t need breathing…
Remarkable Self-Realization
(at least, for me [ i think ], these are amongst those which I wish I could remember to tell the Psychiatrists, et al.) I find, I’m not altogether unhappy with myself; the things of who I am (diseased disposition, disregarding), for it is not I at all– but the things which are Imposed upon…
OMG Means “Oh My Greedy!”
Take a look at this web site. It’s the perfect example of what to do if you aren’t genius enough to develop and sell your own software, nor are you satisfied with the money you make from advertisers buying space on your web site. Take a look up, from down here in the gutter, at…
Soon to bleed a little more “Blue & White”…
…yeah– into my bank account, yo!! Unless you’re approaching Matriculation, Commencement, Employment, or the joys of a prolonged night of uninhibited pleasure with some fine young PSU hottie, then there isn’t a whole lot to get excited about around here when it comes to ‘the Big Blue’– especially if you consider yourself as a “Local”,…
Published in 2006, What’s On Your Brain is the personal blog of @ajaxStardust
It’s composed mostly prosaic ramblings.