All those moments … like tears in rain.
I’m sorry for those times i’ve offended you. In particular, any insensitive use of the word “retarded”. When I say “queer”, i’m referring to the denotative meaning, as “strange”. If i say “gay”, i’m probably referring to homosexuality, which i believe is the accepted term amongst the community. I will NEVER use the “n-word” (unless,…
OMG Means “Oh My Greedy!”
Take a look at this web site. It’s the perfect example of what to do if you aren’t genius enough to develop and sell your own software, nor are you satisfied with the money you make from advertisers buying space on your web site. Take a look up, from down here in the gutter, at…
Published in 2006, What’s On Your Brain is the personal blog of @ajaxStardust
It’s composed mostly prosaic ramblings.