Category: comments

  • Where is my mind?

    Not be confused with the notion of a “Dream” (e.g. as some notion of a life-goal, such as “my dream is to be”, AND not be be confused with those fantasies humans experience while sleeping), let us consider here short-term goals, or our more whimsical notions of what we believe might result in our own…

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  • Excerpt from a letter, to Julie Bortner

    I can not be an /artist/, and not produce artistic things, or speak in a manner which might [not] incite emotion. If this is not what one wants from me, then it is not I, but she. I choose to “Be”. If that existence ends tomorrow, then, at least I have not compromised what once…

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  • All those moments … like tears in rain.

    I’m sorry for those times i’ve offended you. In particular, any insensitive use of the word “retarded”. When I say “queer”, i’m referring to the denotative meaning, as “strange”. If i say “gay”, i’m probably referring to homosexuality, which i believe is the accepted term amongst the community. I will NEVER use the “n-word” (unless,…

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  • She Don’t Use Oxy

    “c’mon all you pot-heads! Bend your knees!” ~ Perry Farrell (from the film, “Soul Kiss”) ASIDE: Oranges are fine, for real. 20 Mg of Vitamin, per peel. I prefer the warm climate Rx of the Orange, So dirty can be snow. Oranges: peculiar? Upper-East: Oddly. I’ve tons of those beasts! “I know a girl who,…

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  • Face-Book Fart-Fumbling

    “it is not the dogma (e.g. Catholocism; Church; Christianity, etc.); the cult; the religion, which brainwashes children to be insane. But, what do i know; I’ve no children: I’m merely an observer. The child is driven mad, you must understand, when the breast is not at his mouth. Madness, and psychosis; violence, etc.: these things…

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  • The “Duke of Nuts”

    If I were the Duke of Nuts, and I am, I might be inclined to recite: “Now, now, Little Nut: what might Buddha think of the motivation in your intention, here?” And the little Nut might reply: “Make no intimations that you desire should evoke sensations.”

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  • A New Sort of Insanity

    Okay, here’s my new thing: I’m going to appropriate some of the most whack shit you’ve ever seen from the Japanese Harijuku / Lolitas (e.g. YouTube: search “Shit people say to Lolitas”)… and, i shall produce a new bit of art. I have been inspired by the following, as a befitting soundtrack: (Why? Because “I’m…

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  • Civilization and its Discontents (01)

    Civilization and its Discontents, Excerpt #01 {*1} I do not think I have made a complete enumeration of the methods by which men strive to gain happiness and keep suffering away and I know, too, that the material might have been differently arranged.{*2} … In spite of the incompleteness [of my enumeration (p. 32)], I…

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Published in 2006, What’s On Your Brain is the personal blog of @ajaxStardust

It’s composed mostly prosaic ramblings.