A New Way to Waste Your Time
Now that Elon is going to ruin Twitter, you’ll have to find a new way to waste your time and ignore your family. I recommend you start here.
Alien Abduction – What you need to know
In the event that you find you have been abducted by aliens, or if you expect to be abducted by aliens, please reference the article about FIDE President (aka Russian, World Chess President) Kirsan Ilyumzhinov (Кирсан Илюмжинов).
“It’s about your personal commitment. not so much the equipment.” ~ J Sabarese
Where is my mind?
Not be confused with the notion of a “Dream” (e.g. as some notion of a life-goal, such as “my dream is to be”, AND not be be confused with those fantasies humans experience while sleeping), let us consider here short-term goals, or our more whimsical notions of what we believe might result in our own…
Excerpt from a letter, to Julie Bortner
I can not be an /artist/, and not produce artistic things, or speak in a manner which might [not] incite emotion. If this is not what one wants from me, then it is not I, but she. I choose to “Be”. If that existence ends tomorrow, then, at least I have not compromised what once…
All those moments … like tears in rain.
I’m sorry for those times i’ve offended you. In particular, any insensitive use of the word “retarded”. When I say “queer”, i’m referring to the denotative meaning, as “strange”. If i say “gay”, i’m probably referring to homosexuality, which i believe is the accepted term amongst the community. I will NEVER use the “n-word” (unless,…
She Don’t Use Oxy
“c’mon all you pot-heads! Bend your knees!” ~ Perry Farrell (from the film, “Soul Kiss”) ASIDE: Oranges are fine, for real. 20 Mg of Vitamin, per peel. I prefer the warm climate Rx of the Orange, So dirty can be snow. Oranges: peculiar? Upper-East: Oddly. I’ve tons of those beasts! “I know a girl who,…
Face-Book Fart-Fumbling
“it is not the dogma (e.g. Catholocism; Church; Christianity, etc.); the cult; the religion, which brainwashes children to be insane. But, what do i know; I’ve no children: I’m merely an observer. The child is driven mad, you must understand, when the breast is not at his mouth. Madness, and psychosis; violence, etc.: these things…

Published in 2006, What’s On Your Brain is the personal blog of @ajaxStardust
It’s composed mostly prosaic ramblings.