Civilization and its Discontents (01)
Civilization and its Discontents, Excerpt #01 {*1} I do not think I have made a complete enumeration of the methods by which men strive to gain happiness and keep suffering away and I know, too, that the material might have been differently arranged.{*2} … In spite of the incompleteness [of my enumeration (p. 32)], I…
Ego, Id, Superego, Libido, etc.
All Freud’s theories, however implausible they may seem at cursory glance, remain some of the most comprehensive analysis of the human psyche; bear influence upon even contemporary psychology / psychoanalysis. It is fortunate, I believe, I have a fair grasp on the reigns of these things– if not, then wait for the marble to roll.…
Published in 2006, What’s On Your Brain is the personal blog of @ajaxStardust
It’s composed mostly prosaic ramblings.