Don’t Make Me Go Ohio Pyle on Your Ass!
Your triumph rustsdevoid for novel, yet let it standas precious to slight so it might.meter without measure, requisite temperingred clay, said soil begets one palpable truthcarnal exchange comes then forgoes that circumstance of pomp;A desparate thirst never quench his eye.How fared those ilk, when twilight gave rise?Myth be not creed: all but so urged.Beware, and…
Suicidal: I am tidal Low and High. How became this, to be so Unbridled…
The Cinnamon Madgyk Furries Meet the Pennsnow-Sylvanish Meshbrooms
Once, down in the scum, The Cinnamon Madgyk Fairies did Come, bearing Gifts, the likes, such delightful rarity. Five magicians timely arrival, Just a follow-up, meeting he that day, His PennSnow “Syl” Vanishing, never nearer the clouds, would lose his footing, not unforeseen, so afar too arrives in time, one learns, eventually. Yet, lofty days…
Dodging Shrapnel
Only now existing Should be persisting Let inside out Could be value about A Mood. Altitude-like Attitude. Feeling- Around as if to find A button; something Needs turning on. Say, “get busy living” So busy cleaning Mistaken waits in idle wishing Stellar paths fork As ominous singularity Collision of opposing forces Dodging shrapnel Too poignant…
Nearby Resident
These Streets, are a Maze; This Place: it’s a Puzzle. I need some Direction. If not, i be Bound for a Muzzle! Dear, old Street: i’m amazed; Displaced, i am Puzzled. I find these things Binding So much, I do fuss then- and-now, for a Guzzle.
Through the Smoking-Glass
The time has come “The Rockstar” said To speak of oblong things Of blues and reds and other meds let bring on all-that-sings Sweet melody: blissful silence will it ring? so sweetly as to be out with reason out with rhyme: prithee thee, lay me under foot by feet, and for all time. Weakness: this…
For the Honour of John J Geddes
Earthen meter is JG thus decides deliberately affectionate nōn obstante heretofore measure no more ’fore precision bespoke the song
Return Without Rhyme: a Reasonable Account
The key lies in the capture. Here, I would for you. Let it come. Let it be true. Here, not unbeknown, yet unlike Your talk of effort’s fare. Account of it how owned this debt analogous, it’s true topple the tables, for it accrues! Delinquent sinner, carry account: Conscience disclosure, what? Insignificance and counting produce…
Published in 2006, What’s On Your Brain is the personal blog of @ajaxStardust
It’s composed mostly prosaic ramblings.