Not as many herein, have been
these aren’t electric though many have been and in five days, Adderazilla will rise and save this slave until then moving toward the benzodiaza-days only temporary, no worries i fear i lose my mind now and then and then and now and i fear i may not make it to the “Pocketfest” for the death…
My Dear, Dearest Freinds, and Acquaintesces-wise
Read herein, those of you so named “Gifted”, along with i. You /know/ who you is. Don’t contemplate, just relate. There is here an entry something of … shit … i forget– soething about … fuck lemme see… okay, should be here: [ http://whatsonyourbrain.com/2009/10/01/114/ ] and that, my friends, those words which i speak of…
Whore Pig
it’s whipping and its whipping and air of silence snaps and smoke a cigarette and slow as moving will for air and thicken rings on striking ear and little else but flowing red read the print and initialed page and caught in better mouse-trap and maintenance indefinite and every waiting office visit and close resemblance…
David Robert Jones: Inhale
It is not what I mean in what I do to consume as much exhaustive anti-maintenance candy bean amphetamine “One symptom of nervous tension, paradoxically, is repeated and violent yawning.” † … and what of Ambrosia; the gods’ regard? “i can breathe again” I couldn’t leave her with two May-Lily travellers as The device is…
2 mg I did not notice any remarkable side-effects, appox 14 hours since ingestion (to induce sleep, which i suppose it might have done something /helpful/ to such affect). however likely nothing remarkable, altogether — time passages– i believe it induces night-terrors / nightmares / weird f’n dreams…. “this shrieking of nothing is killing us…”…
Ego, Id, Superego, Libido, etc.
All Freud’s theories, however implausible they may seem at cursory glance, remain some of the most comprehensive analysis of the human psyche; bear influence upon even contemporary psychology / psychoanalysis. It is fortunate, I believe, I have a fair grasp on the reigns of these things– if not, then wait for the marble to roll.…
Substitute Controversy in Woolite Patient
To: Dr. Buprenex Cc: Su (Box One) R.Nd. I know it’s been a while, since our last correspondence. I’m afraid I hail you with troubling news. No new news I admit What others know; what majority: don’t; what you, likely, only try in understanding: Life Between Dying By eight, per recommendation, bye days. What zombie…
Speed Racer
“As a matter of fact, I’ve lined up Japan’s most popular anime series to sponsor my car…” (crowd gasps) “The English translation of this Series is, “Many-tentacled Rapist from Hell Conquered the Innocence of School-girls”, and as you can see– the production values are very high. ho, ho, hoa!…” (Robot Chicken [Adult Swim], episode X…

Published in 2006, What’s On Your Brain is the personal blog of @ajaxStardust
It’s composed mostly prosaic ramblings.