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Auditory Hallucination
Beating Like a drum, or a Hammer Creaking Crackling, and torquing A short fuse torching The sound of morning The sound of night little reason could be right all perception like shadows shapes vibration of air not here, but there silence waiting shadows trace so very tiring ready the fool record what splatters breaking begets…
Narco Blog
Narcoleptic. Pathetic fuck. Ever present: never. Not worth value. No new news, used to reach the waking hook; this boggled think-thing thoughts, the same. Lines. Far too distant; far to hook. Narco-boggled buried brain, a stranger, in straight in-line Bargain-narc Blasphemer original composition: 2009 04 09modified 2011-04-15
Rainy Day Wishing: Peanut One For None
“I’m a flea-bit peanut monkey All my friends are junkies That’s not really true” and Thorizine, Haloperidol, Seroquil (SP? each) and… some other shit… oh, yeah… Xanax, and Ativan, and it all ain’t nuthin, man nothing puts me to sleep anymore on the rainy day as would be today
For we night-owls
the fuckin sunrise, fuckin sunrise, fuck fuck fuckin sunrise bullshit… now how am i ever going to survive!?!??!?!?!?!!?
2 mg I did not notice any remarkable side-effects, appox 14 hours since ingestion (to induce sleep, which i suppose it might have done something /helpful/ to such affect). however likely nothing remarkable, altogether — time passages– i believe it induces night-terrors / nightmares / weird f’n dreams…. “this shrieking of nothing is killing us…”…

Published in 2006, What’s On Your Brain is the personal blog of @ajaxStardust
It’s composed mostly prosaic ramblings.