The “Duke of Nuts”
If I were the Duke of Nuts, and I am, I might be inclined to recite: “Now, now, Little Nut: what might Buddha think of the motivation in your intention, here?” And the little Nut might reply: “Make no intimations that you…
Frequent Accidental Over Dose
And, what’s the frequency, Geoffrey? Benzadrine, not administered; not here; not irrelevant. Still, “never understood the frequency”; So not up-to-speed. Telling-Delusions of Grandeur, thus, enter the fold. As such, over dose is unbecoming. Like you, and we: at once profound, how lost…
Short and Long
Sometimes they move real slow Sometimes those hands: so fast That goddamn clock… mocking my ass!
Observe all the damage. A drop weighs a ton, And what have You done? And what is yet to come? © j sabarese
A New Sort of Insanity
Okay, here’s my new thing: I’m going to appropriate some of the most whack shit you’ve ever seen from the Japanese Harijuku / Lolitas (e.g. YouTube: search “Shit people say to Lolitas”)… and, i shall produce a new bit of art. I…
The Bridge Blown to Bits
Where is that confounded bridge? I in my kerchief; J George in Hawaii A needle might prick; a dog follows me One cessation: ceased; not even a mouse Time to settle; like so much poor rap Down Down Down No better mouse-trap…
Civilization and its Discontents (01)
Civilization and its Discontents, Excerpt #01 {*1} I do not think I have made a complete enumeration of the methods by which men strive to gain happiness and keep suffering away and I know, too, that the material might have been differently…
Thank You
If I’ve forgotten how to say “No” If I’ve forgotten how to say “Please” I remember how to say “Thank You” I am not The Disease. How sincerely, I am “Sorry”