Brier Bring Blood
walk the trail, as the sun bares down. it brings a smile. tight trail. difficult passing for all the brush, bushes, and trees. tiny prick catches the flesh, end the trail: goal momentum resolved. in one-hundred yards, arms dripping blood realized. blood…
Where is my mind?
Not be confused with the notion of a “Dream” (e.g. as some notion of a life-goal, such as “my dream is to be”, AND not be be confused with those fantasies humans experience while sleeping), let us consider here short-term goals, or…
Not Plausible
Hers was a diatribe of apocrypha. I stood by only in soliloquy; some evocation, nonsensical, to avoid that ire.
Sugar and Lime
On the precipice of time There is no reason; Little rhyme. Logic is not flawless. Crossing souls intertwine: For what moment? On what line? The ticking-hands wag, in sign: “Hello!” “Goodbye!” Over a select, and very few the human-being might pine.
there’s no love in beating a horse; no sense in beating a dead horse it is impossible to resurrect the dead. how dim it once was, now brightened in the head.
Aircraft Airports Leap from the highest perch A human Aloft Animated Deprecated
Salts of Aunt Feddermine Combo’s
What ramble i jumbled: what crushed, how they crumble; what melts in the mouth, hour hands when I fumble. Marionette dance legislate scripted, “salts of … combo”, must children de-crypt it. Query a clue, the Robin did twitter, “What makes some men…
Excerpt from a letter, to Julie Bortner
I can not be an /artist/, and not produce artistic things, or speak in a manner which might [not] incite emotion. If this is not what one wants from me, then it is not I, but she. I choose to “Be”. If…