What's on your Brain.

Objectivity affects what force, before Subjectivity is manifest?

Whore Pig

it’s whipping
and its whipping
and air of silence snaps
and smoke a cigarette
and slow as moving will for air
and thicken rings on striking ear
and little else but flowing red

read the print
and initialed page
and caught in better mouse-trap
and maintenance indefinite
and every waiting office visit
and close resemblance to the street
and nearly as before
and it is tired
and it is bored
and a cigarette is burning

always in the background
and its whipping in
and whipping out
and sales rep pills are made of dirt
and cigarettes begin to hurt
and turn hurt into hate
and hatred is consuming
and eating so much vital

organ pipe substance for volume
and nothing here like love
and steadfast lethargy
and breathing not detected

central nervous system response
and pain within the chest
and grinding teeth
and blood-test organs function
and puts into report on file
and counted with the others
and be appropriate in number

the problem program is broken
and slips much under radar
and define this as self-inflicted
and nothing here explodes
and the nurses and the doctors
and prefabricated treatise
and what’s this in the blood
and figuring the hours
and depends upon the half-life
and how we measure pain

office rent is on the rise
and dissolving under tongue
and this life is the better one
and worship sick pathology
and washing brain for more attention
and pharmaceuticals confection
and so much better than Saint Andrews
and sales rep sex
and sales rep sold
and embroidered pens enter the fold
and tendering the multi-symptoms
another star is borne

ringing round
and whipping on
and recovering divides by zero
and black-list only multiplies
and only up-front cash on-hand
and on behalf of an attorney
and hereby dispense maintained disease
for family vacation, down by the sea

should problem start
and should probably take
and the hands around the throat
and consume this misdirection
and during vivisection
and insufficient breathing
and upon further inspection
and still did nothing see

front desk schedule waiting
and appointments not like rest
and the handle turns the throat
and breathing is not thirst
and what day is today
and what’s it matter anyway
the matter here is paid

a beast burdens the calendar
and all the bottles empty
and wait right here some more
and sweat it out the pores
and it wax and wanes
and maybe if tomorrow
and lie down timer constraints
and really should get outdoors
and really should not stay

the beast stealthy inspects for cracks
and adhesive tape for ceiling wax
and lacquer around the door
and what and was
and wants some more
and capsules go by milligram
and what if it gets in
and he; she; they; it: give-a-damn
and how it goes about this way
and which ending to Fin

spins magnetic digital
and no longer known as tape
and a circle still a circle
and the readings and reports
and living how far under skin

show clearly what is known
and the birds about the bees
and experts in disease
and been down on the knees
and suffering
and on ending, relax
lie back

ยฉ 2010, J Sabarese
