Welcome to My Blog…

I’m glad you decided to stop by. I created this Blog because I needed to learn how to use the software– so that I can install them for clients, or for use in my own sites, like the one you’ll see here under CCF Auction Blog, in place on a Web Site I administer / edit for myself, and a business partner.

When I started this Blog, I really didn’t know what I was going to do about the problem of coming up with content. I didn’t / don’t want it to turn into a meaningless, self-promoting, place where i could ramble about a bunch of b.s. about which no one would care or have an interest, so I decided that I could probably make it at least a little bit interesting. So, I made categories.

Since i’ve been studying a lot of web design / development stuff lately, i figured I could come here and post anything interesting that i come across in my studies. In particular, those studies have been focused on CSS, PHP, MySQL, and most recently, Postgre SQL. So, as I went along putting that stuff in the proper places here, I actually thought of a few other categories about which I might be able to log some interesting info. Having been a professional musician for many years, I made a “Music” category, with “Guitar” as a sub-category, since that’s my instrument. I’m also a guitar instructor, so hopefully, i’ll eventually put some guitar / educational related stuff there. There is also a category for Technology, Political, and of course Web Development and Web Design. Technology is here because, although you wouldn’t know it necessarily, I am quite interested in emerging technologies– especially those related to the IT / Communications field. Political is here because every once in a while, i’ll have something to say about some public nonsense– figured might as well make a category for that!

I’ve already made a little page for an “Introduction to CSS” web site i’m working on, which itself will act as a supplement to a session i’ll teach at Juniata College– as a guest instructor. For more info on that, just look at “Pages”, under “My Little CSS Page”. or follow this link . Take a look at that URL– you’ll see the domain name “adesigninteractive.com“– well, that’s the domain i made for my fledgling web design / development service. I am taking on clients– the first of which, i guess you could say, is the Lions Den, a bar in State College, PA. I’ve done other sites in the past, such as the Alley Cat Music web site, which i’ve re-done since my founding of A Design Interactive.

Oh, one more thing– i’ll be getting back up on stage, performing in a band again soon. The band is comprised of some old friends, some of which i spent many years of blood sweat and tears with as part of the band sona. The new band is Mr Hand.

One last thing I want to stress– if you, for whatever reason, would like to contribute to this Blog, then please, by all means, create an account. If I feel that it’s appropriate, I’ll promote your user account so you can start adding new content here right away– or at least give you the permissioin to “comment” on the existing content. okay, i guess that’s about it for now then. thanks for reading! :)