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Objectivity affects what force, before Subjectivity is manifest?

Web Developers Wield the Power of Seamonkey

Enhanced Bookmark Search
Double-check this, as it may actually be included with xSidebar by default, so adding it might be redundant, and perhaps– harmful… we shall see.
View Source With
Is this really needed when i’ve got Web Developer extension? well– yes, and no– it makes for a nice little addition, i think. there is definitely something different about VSW than the “view source with” element of the WebDev xpi itself.
WebMail & Co.

I’ve no idea yet what this extension does, but i have installed it (probably not the first time, but what the hell— i still don’t know what it is!)

WebMail is used to enabled the following extensions, which were also installed subsequently.

  • Hotmail
  • Yahoo!
Save as Image
The name says it all, though this one should be ‘double-checked’, as i have yet to make it work on the ol' Munk-Monque.
Aardvark is the best-kept secret…, or should i say ‘worst advertised dev aide’ ever!?
Reload Every X [chron]
for reloading your pages, per request n stuff… might be nicey nicey for something like… hmmm… home pages which are updated? … i dunno actually what this is good for to be honest!
Check it!
Tab X
Just like Racer-X, Tab-X looks out for Speed Racer, and helps him out of a jam when he gets in a snag.
Config Date
Just like the Thunderbird hickeydoo…
Clone Window
Clone Window is one of those Mozilla Extensions which you might not recognize right away that it’s working, but once you get the idea, you’ll find it’s pretty cool.

The function of Clone Window is only realized when the browser user opens a new Browser Window. When the new window opens, it doesn’t open a blank, or home-page, but a Clone of that window / tab which was the current view in the active-window when the user decided to open a new window. If you were viewing Gmail, for example, then opened a new Window (with Clone Window installed), that new Window would open at the URL of Gmail where the user was located in the previous Window. Pretty cool!

Fire FTP
FireFTP for seamonkey, baby! woo hoo!
Execute JavaScript

Enhances the JavaScript console such that JS can be executed arbitrarily

Seamonkey Showcase
View all of your open shit in a new tabbed window. i believe this extension author also offers “dual sidebar”. check the delicious tag- firefox:speeddial , an extension for Firefox which emulates the Opera “Speed Dial” ditty
Tab Menu Item
Page through tabs with this menu item
Date Picker
Calendar in the bottom right corner w/ a calendar view
User Agent Switcher
This is a ChrisPederick.com creation.
Unhide Pwds
Speaks for itself

some sort of tabbed browsing extension which claims to be the basis on which the mozilla / Firefox tabbed browsers were formed.
See multizilla developer at multizilla.mozdev.org for more info on this what seems like a maililng list manager extension?
the dirty deed. done. dirt cheap too.
Image Shack Right-click
Not sure what the hell it is or does, and i don’t (at the time of posting) have an ImageShack account– but what the hell– it sounded promising!
What others have worked well with SeaMonkey?

(click for screen-cap)